
Monday, February 24, 2020

Toy Dreams do come true !!! A look back at New York Toy Fair 2020 !!!

I have been wanting six inch scaled G.I. Joes for years now.  As a matter of fact , I even had  " Six inch Joes " on a wish list years ago on this site . Here's the link -- .   If you visited the link then you can see the year in that link was 2015 . So in the title when it says " Toy Dreams do come true , I'm referring to the six inch scaled G.I. Joes I have been wishing for, along with many other fans , finally arriving . The pics below are from the 2020 New York Toy Fair and DO NOT belong to me . The Pic of the Joes is from , and everything else is courtesy of
 RoadBlock and Scarlett look fantastic . So does Duke and Snake Eyes ( NOT PICTURED ) . I hope this G.I. Joe Classified line is a huge success and lasts a long time . I want to see so many Joes and Cobras in six inch scale .

 Domino from the most recent Deadpool film .

 Gwen Stacy as an actual figure . And not as Spider-Gwen neither , but as the original Gwen Stacy.
 As you can see Gwen comes with a Mary Jane head .
 I'm sure Peter's glasses are removable. Of all of the new Legends figures , I am the most excited about he and Gwen .

 Can't wait to get Rage . First time in the line.

 Nimrod debuts as a first time Marvel Legend .
 Sugar Man makes his debut for the first time ever as a Marvel Legend .
 I love how now some Marvel Legend figures will be coming with effects, such as Spidey's webbing and those explosion effects that come with one of those upcoming Black Widow MCU ( Marvel Cinema Universe ) figures .
 That alternate Mary Jane head that comes with Gwen Stacy looks real good .
 I excited about this six inch scaled Michael Jordan figure from Mafex .
The AEW figures were shown just a few days before NYTF 2020 debuted . I will be purchasing these figures to blend in with my WWE Mattel collection .
( NOTE )  I do not have the free time to post pics of everything , so I just chose my favorite reveals of the show .

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